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 Warlock apply

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-08-21

Warlock apply Empty
PostSubject: Warlock apply   Warlock apply Icon_minitimeThu Aug 21, 2008 12:42 pm

Name: Grizwitz
Class: Warlock
age: 21

raiding hours

monday: 16-24
tuseday: 16-24
wedensday: 16-24
thursday: 16-24
friday: 16-19
saturday: N/a (girlfriend 2 take care of)
sunday: N/a (girlfriend 2 take care of)

Current / Previous guild and reason for leaving. I just came to the server about a week ago from darksorrow, and joined the guild "maintain a lifestyle". but they didnt raid that much. and i heard that this was a very good guild

please link your gear from the armory

prev raid xp: i done kara a lot. some grull and maggy run. and a bit ZA.

why you have chosen enigma? as i told before i heard it was a really nice guild...

about yourself: im from denmark, works as a woodmechanist in a factory..i started to play World of Warcraft in about 1½ years. Ans love it;)

Oh yes. i promised my m8s only to join if they can to:) their names are Alkazira(mage) and equlim(warlock). They are my irl m8's:)
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